Wednesday, December 01, 2004

World Aids Day

Name is just a name. "Nobody even cares about World Aids Day: it is just a day which is celebrated by some UN agencies, more to formality".
I rememeber those words being told by one friend of mine who is now jumping from one continent to the other continent (You make me jealous!).

Today is the World Aids Day. Back then in 1997, I was so involved in AIDS things. I went to UNAIDS office to register as a volunteer and was considered strange: How could a Geology student being a volunteer for AIDS? "I should have gone to the mountain and find gold" she said. Hahaha

And, as she was not having idea about geology, it was then more to my explanation about Geology in my visit to the office. She first even thought that Geology is part of dentistry. hahaha... (talking about dentistry, I remember DD 313 EE (is it?), in which we had good memory together, where are you doctor?).

Then, I got more idea about AIDS since then. Even, I was frequently sent news about AIDS. It made me rich in knowledge then I was accepted as AIDS Volunteer as "Penyuluh". Hahaha..
Talking in front of teenagers, sex-workers (young ages, some are soooo sexeh and beautiful!) and going to some places was my pay. It was a grant. Then, I was used to wearing the PIN to campus. It was something that attacked my friends' attention. They all wanted the pin, but only to wear you know, without knowing the meaning of it (It becomes a tradition now in the society, doesnt it?)

Now, I think I have to be in Amsterdam or London, NY, joining the campaign... Ups... my having poor (none exactly) Dutch makes me not join the campagin team in here Holland. I contacted one NGO that needed volunteers but DUTCH is used in the campaign, and I don't want to be like someone without not speaking in the campaign.... may be yes, if I have much time... But not this week, and the weeks to come!

Then here I am in this corner... just imagine the faces of people in Africa mostly and in the whole world: suffering from short-time enjoyment or from what so called LOVE (??).
Instead of only imagining the faces, I am thinking about some hot comments about AIDS. Some of which are: "They deserve it as they just think about short time", "they don't play safe", etc etc. Seem to judging the people suffering from it.

Regarding that, what I always keep is that forget about what happened, but think about the ways to solve it. Surely, we take the causes as lessons and guide to walk further.

The theme for World AIDS Day
Each year there is a particular theme chosen for World AIDS Day, and for the last fourteen years the themes have been as follows:

2004 Women & AIDS
2003 Stigma & Discrimination
2002 Stigma & Discrimination
2001 I care. Do you?
2000 AIDS : Men make a difference
1999 Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People
1998 Force For Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People
1997 Children Living in a World with AIDS
1996 One World, One Hope
1995 Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities
1994 AIDS & the Family
1993 Time to Act
1992 Community Commitment
1991 Sharing the Challenge
1990 Women & AIDS
1989 Youth
1988 Communication

There is a theme of communication. I wish I could be in the classes again and explain and communicate all about AIDS again: in a funny way...
Take care kids, girls....

Beltstraat 1-12, On the World Aids Day, 01 December 2004, 02:12 AM
Theme for Aids Day is from this link

There is a good book to make us remember about AIDS: Color Atlas and synopsys of Sexually-transmitted Diseases


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