Monday, November 29, 2004

hidup, surat tentang hidup

Sebuah balasan surat elektronik yang kukirim pukul 02.16 AM pagi ini, yang membuat saya sedih, ingin menangis.... (hahaha...BOYS DON'T CRY)

Hidup itu seperti naik pohon, makin tinggi makin kenceng anginnya....
Hidup itu seperti naik gunung, melelahkan dan kadang menyakitkan saat menjalaninya...tapi apabila semua itu sudah berlalu..pasti akan manis untuk dikenang....
Hidup itu seperti turbulence, sulit diduga gerakannya karena ia tidak mengikuti hukum linearitas...
Cinta itu juga bagian dari hidup...oleh karena itu ia juga tidak linear...
Akan sulit sekali merepersentasikan sesuatu yang nggak linear itu dalam struktur yang linear...
Akan sulit sekali me-manage sesuatu yang tidak linear itu dengan asumsi-asumsi linearitas....paling-paling hasilnya error...mungkin yang aku alami saat ini merupakan akumulasi error akibat asumsi-asumsi linearitas yang aku buat di masa lalu....yah, allemaal voorbij.........mungkin ada baiknya juga untuk sementara melupakan masa lalu dan berfikir untuk saat ini...aku bersyukur masih bisa menikmati saat ini...thanks God for this "present".
Tapi, saat ini aku nggak bisa menggambarkan perasaanku dengan jelas ...mungkin sama sulitnya dengan menggambarkan fractal geometry dalam fenomena alam semesta....finite in infinity..tapi dalam chaos selalu ada regularity...seperti halnya aku, dalam ketidakjelasan ini aku masih dapat mengenali hal-hal terpenting dalam hidupku....keluarga, teman, dan pekerjaan....tiga hal ini yang membuat hidupku lebih hidup...aku gak mau kehilangan meskipun satu diantara ketiganya...yah, aku perlu berjuang keras untuk mempertahankan ketiganya sekaligus..meskipun aku sudah kehilangan sebagian dari yang pertama dan yang paling berharga diantara ketiga hal terpenting dalam hidupku....
Tuhan Maha Adil......meskipun dalam keadilannya kadang kita merasa bahwa Tuhan berlaku tidak adil terhadap diri kita....nggak ada yang sempuna di dunia ini......mungkin aku perlu lebih mawas diri yah....
Un attimo di pace..alias one moment in peace....that's what I need at present....

Makasih hy...makasih buat semuanya...


Buat kawan baik yang sedang bersedih, berbahagia, dan berkecamuk...
Kamu harus tahu bahwa saya melupakan thesis saya sejenak, memikirkan kamu!

291104, 12:42 PM, PC 22279-Cluster 5.056 ITC Building,

Sunday, November 28, 2004

suami ideal

"Pah....pasangin kancing baju belakang dong"
"Bi', bibi'.... bantu nyonya tuh.."

"Pah...jadi anterin mama ke rumah Anita?"
"Lho, mama kok lupa sih?, jumat malam kan papa fitness"

"Hello, Papa sayang... stengah jam lagi bukain pintu yah"
"Biiiiiiiiiii'...tungguin nyonya pulang, bukain pintu, ntar lagi datang"

"Pah, mama dingin... peluk mama dong"
"Pake selimut aja mah, itu kan dari Paris, anget!"

"Pah...lipstik ini cocok gak buat mama?"
"Ah, terserah mama lah"

"Pah, ayuk makan. Tuh mamah buatin sambel kesukaan papa"
"tadi udah makan di luar, diajak sama Joko. Ingat Joko kan?"

"Pah, ntar malam jadi ke restoran "A" itu? udah lama kita gak kesana"
"Mah, papa mo ketemu teman kuliah papa, baru datang dari Paris. Hebat lho dia mah"
"Mama pergi sama Anita saja yah?" "Bisa kan?"

"Pah..gimana kabar teman papa yang dari Paris itu?"
"Papa capek yah... sini mama pijitin"
"Ma, tadi papa ke massage di hotel tempat teman papa itu nginap"
"Sekarang ngantuk... bobo' aja yah?"

"Pah... masih jam stengah 7 pagi. Ayuk yuk... mama pengen nih"
"Ya ampun, mah, telat bangun. Papa mesti ke pabrik jam 7".
"kok mama gak bangunin papa sih dari tadi?"

"Pah... mama pengen nih.."
"Aduh mah, papa flu, lagi gak mood.. tadi debu pabrik bikin alergi debu papa kambuh lagi"
"Papa tidur di sofa aja yah... nanti mama ketularan flu, kan kasihan"

"Nyonya, tuan pagi-pagi tadi keluar. katanya main golf, trus ada janji sama teman kantor. Pulangnya agak malaman. Nanti tuan telpon nyonya katanya"

Sudut Beltstraat 1-12, 28 November 2004, 04:58 AM
Buat teman yang senantiasa mendesak!

istri ideal

"Mah..tolong ambilin baju papa"
"Ntar...lagi telpon Nita nih, lama gak ngobrol. Salam dari dia katanya"

"Mah... bisa setrika baju papa gak?"
"Aduh, tanggung nih, episode terakhir. Selingkuhannya meninggal lho Pah, seru!"

"Mah...sambel abis yah?, papa gak selera kalo gak ada sambel"
"Yah, makan aja yang ada. Tuh ada caberawit di lemari es, dibagian tempat buah ya Pa"

"Mah... badan papa pegel. Pijetin dong"
"Lho, pijet elektronik itu kan ada diatas lemari. Percuma dibeli kalo gak dipake. besok aja yah..."

"Mah...liat buku agenda papa gak?"
"Bukannya biasanya di atas meja kecil itu?. Beli lagi lah kalo ilang"

"Mah...kemaren katanya mo pijetin. Ayo dong..."
"Aduh, lain kali aja pah... Mama abis manicure. Pake pijet listrik kan bisa"

"Mah...ayo dong..."
"Ah papa, mama kan besok pagi-pagi mo keluar kota... Takut capek.. Nanti aja yah, pulang dari dinas"

"Mah...dinasnya lancar aja?, semua target tercapai? papa kangen deh... ayo dong.."
"Pah..mama tuh capek, pengen tidur... Bobo' aja yah Pah...."

Mmmmuah (dan mama mencium kening papa)

"em... apa sih? bobo aja pah!"

(papa keesokan paginya terbangun di atas sofa, tivinya masih on)


"Tuan, Nyonya pagi-pagi sekali keluar, katanya pulangnya agak malaman, nanti dia telpon tuan"
"Tuan mau sarapan apa?"

Di suatu sudut Beltstraat 1-12, 28 November 2004, 04:31 AM
Menikah bukan hal yang mudah! (Buat teman yang selalu memotivasi)

Saturday, November 27, 2004

SLARIM DAY: Strengthening Local Authorities in Risk Management

Dear all,

I would like to thank those of you that have send me a reply. All presentors have confirmed, so the programme can be held according to the plan.
The meeting will be held in room 0-142. Lunch will be provided.

After the meeting you are invited for some drinks and food in my house. The address is Springendalhoek 5, 7546 GS Enschede. Tel. 4764569 Mobile: 06 48863452
You are welcome as from 6 o'clock onwards for some drinks. How to get to my house: take bus line 2 (Helmerhoek) and get off at the Oorthuishoek (see map), then you have to walk for about 5-10 minutes to reach my house. During the meeting tomorrow I will circulate a paper so that I know for how many people to cook.

The final programme for the meeting is given below.

The main objective of the meeting is to get feedback on your research from fellow students, Phd researchers and ITC staff members, interested in the same field of risk assessment. So try to focus in your presentation on the research questions, the methodology and the preliminary results. See you tomorrow.

Cees van Westen

Draft programme for the SLARIM day on Friday November 26:

ROOM 0-142
9.15 - 9.45: Opening and overview presentation Cees van Westen. Overview of SLARIM project, website structure, output.

9.45 - 10.15: First session: User needs assessment

- Presentation and discussion, PhD research Gabrielle Iglesias
10.15 - 10.45: Coffee break
10.45 - 12.30: Second session: Seismic & Landslide Hazard and risk assessment
- Presentation and discussion: PhD research work Carolina Sigaran: Empirical relations from 2-D and 3-D topographic and geotechnical effects on soil response
- Presentation MSc work Rajendra Khanal: Seismic Hazards Mapping and Geological Database Generation, using low cost GIS tools in Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal.
- Presentation MSc research work Pratima Singh (India): Methodology for integration of Seismic (Population and Building) Loss Estimation using GIS with Community Based Approach for Earthquake Preparedness
- Presentation and discussion: Gustavo Arciniegas (Colombia). Use of Radar Interferometry with Envisat imagery for earthquake damage assessment in Bam.
- Presentation and discussion: PhD research work Enrique Castellanos: Spatial landslide risk assessment in Cuba.

12.30 - 13.30: Lunch (PROVIDED)

13.30 - 15.00: Third session: Vulnerability assessment
- Presentation and discussion: PhD research work Veronica Botero: Spatial Data Infrastructure for Vulnerability Assessments in Urban Systems
- Presentation and discussion: PhD research work Sophia Woodcock
- Presentation and discussion: MSc research work Hastings Shamaona

15.00 - 15.30: Tea break

15.30 - 17.00: Fourth session: Flood hazard and Risk Assessment

- Presentation: Muhibuddin Muhy (Indonesia). Flood hazard assessment using flood models for different scenarios.
- Presentation: Alemseged Tamiru Haile (Ethiopia). Flood modeling using SRTM and Lidar for the Tegucigalpa region in Honduras
- Presentation and discussion: PhD research work Graciela Peters & MSc research work Mafe Reganit and Milagros Monnroy. Flood vulnerability and capacity analysis in Naga.

18.00 - Drinks and food in house of Cees van Westen (Springendalhoek 5)


I received the email on monday 22nd of november. I was like, Oh my God, another presentation??? I knew it would be not like usual, as all the project teams will be there to share, to criritize and to add some points to do. Good if we are not asked to modify the structures or the methodologies we are applying and planning to apply.
I met my supervisor on tuesday and he said not to worry, as it is just to share what we are doing and to show people that we are not on the wrong track.
Ok...then, I forgot it until thursday 25th, when I started to modify my mid-term presentation and saved it under the file name: Muhy_SLARIMday.ppt.
I added some pre-modelling results and analysis and removed some slides. And, on Friday 26th, at 2.00 AM, the presentation was finished, but not yet practised...

On the 26, the SLARIM Day itself, I felt like having a small defence of the thesis. The staffs attended the Slarim Day are most people I hadn;t met before, and I can see that they are all critical and talk so much about the work we are doing... After seeing the first presentation, I was a bit nervous... It was a defence!!! But I managed to be calm as I am sure that I am not on the wrong track.. And there I am, finished the presentation at 4 pm... and no important changes are to made for my structure...

After the presentation, we went straight to the house of Cees Van Westen, the principal investigator of SLARIM Project. the food was so international and I got close with the sons of Cees and we played Chess. I was beaten by the 7-year old boy and his brother: a 2nd grade High school student. Then, we played DAM.. and with Gaby, one son of Van Westen, Norman Herle, and me, we played LUDO... So long.. it was an old memory that came back.. and I was the winner.

SLARIM DAY, it was what a day!

7511 JZ Enschede, saturday 27 November 2004

Last thing to do at SAB

(taken from SAB Constitution)

a) The General Secretary shall distribute notices and make all necessary preparations for all meetings of the SAB.

b) The General Secretary shall prepare the agenda for the Committee and Executive meetings, in consultation with the President and Committee members, and shall distribute the agenda along with notices of meetings.

c) The General Secretary shall attend all Committee and Executive meetings, and shall write minutes of the proceedings at meetings.

d) The General Secretary shall make and manage the correspondence of the SAB.

e) The General Secretary shall maintain the records of the SAB and shall be in charge of the office of the SAB in ITC.

f) In the absence of the President, the General Secretary may act as President but not for a period longer than three weeks unless agreed to by the Committee.


"Serving" as general secretary at ITC's SAB (Student Association Board) has given me so many experiences. SAB is ITC's official student organization that is very uniqe. Everything is totally different from the common student organizations that I knew before: can't be compared one another.

At SAB, I dealt with "big" people in it. No demonstration in it, no protests, but everything was organized very nice. The very-well organized things make us not be able to protest, do some demonstration but walk into the line that has been set.
All bright ideas about international social life was cut down before even being planned. So, only the voice was arose, but just arose.

I remember one friend in SAB giving comment like this:
We have no power, We are not governing
but we are governed!

After having the guy from Macedonia replacing me, shaking hands, I was so released rightafter... However, I was sad and brought my mind to the time when we were first appointed as SAB and the meetings during the period. There would be no small meeting in the restaurant, emailing, meeting with the head of academic affairs, the dean, and spent some time for some things that need urgent response...

All in all, I am thankful for having hold this position for a year. And Monday 22nd November 2004, was the last task i did as an SAB General Secretary. Only simple email distribution, but I felt something sad, as it was the more thing like that!
To: Hendro Wibowo; Belinda Laryea; Tesfaye Engidasew; Fernando Ledezma; Govinda Prasad Baral; Dimo Todorovski; Puthiyavalappil Rajasekhar; Jessica Pineda Zumaran; Zheng Zhao; Denis Ambayo; Sebastian Gabriel Luduena; Alicia Follosco

Cc: Jan de Ruiter; Muhibuddin Muhy; Gustavo Zarrate; Antony Lamba; Hamza Galiwango; Parth Shah; Ahmed Dayem; Samuel Adu Gyamfi

Subject: Reminder:SAB Meeting: from old to new!

This is a reminder as this email had been sent to all class representatives on Friday, 19 November 2004.

Dear all;

On behalf of SAB Executives 2003/2004, I hereby would like to remind you about attending the last SAB meeting that will be held on:

Day : Tuesday, 23rd November 2004
Time : 17:30 pm - 19.00 pm
Venue : The room opposite the ITC Main Auditorium

The proposed agenda is as follows:
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Introduction of the SAB Executives 2003/2004
3. Self introduction of the new Class Representatives
4. Overview of SAB: what exactly it is, how it runs, etc
5. Election of the new SAB Executives for the 2004/2005 Academic Year
6. date for Official Handing-Over
7. A.O.B

Attached is the original email, and your coming to this important meeting is highly appreciated.

See you on Tuesday, 23 November 2004, 17:30 at the room opposite the auditorium,

Muhibuddin Bin usamah
SAB General Secretary

For my fellow SAB 2003/2004: Samuel Adu Gyamfi, Gustavo Zarrate, Antony Lamba, Ahmed Dayem, Parth Shah, Saifeddin Al Omari, Ganesh Prasad Bhatta, Marcus Idoko, Sharmistha Saha, Veronica Igoko.... I will cherish the time we had together.. It was a pleasure to have worked with you!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

suara kecil

"kamu nakal!"
"kenapa pakaian mu kotor?"

nggggggggg.....lalu anak kecil itu menangis

"siapa suruh main kotor?"

"tapi kan tadi kehujanan bu...
dan diajak main-main di selokan sana,
selokannya bersih kok bu...
kemaren, saya liat tidak ada tai disana,
cuma kaleng-kaleng bekas..."

nggg..... lalu anak kecil itu semakin menangis.

sang ibu memukulnya lagi.

"pergi sana! mandi! makan! tidur!"

nggggg... dan anak itu tetap menangis....

atau kupukul lagi!!"

ngggg....dan anak itu tetap menangis...

nggggg...... ampun.....ampuunnnn.....

dan anak kecil itu mandi, makan, dan tidur,
sambil menangis!!!

buat calon istriku....
*bukan seperti itu istri idamanku*

cluster 5.056, 24 November 2004, 07:19 PM

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

kehangatan sebelum tidur...

(sebuah kopi paste)

saya peluk kamu..
dengan kehangatan yang tidak pernah kamu temukan sebelumnya


dan seakan.. gak pernah mau kamu lepaskan..

rasakan detak jantungku
terasa hangat kan?
badanmu hangat..

andai ku bisa menghangatkan lebih lama..
akan kupeluk selamanya..

jangan lepasin dulu...

gue pengen pejamin mata gue..

dan besok pagi,
bangunkan saya dengan lagu itu..
dan secangkir teh untuk teman kita bercerita....

...beltstraat 1-12, 23 November 2004, 00:57 AM...

cinta dengan definisi sendiri

disuatu waktu,
disuatu dunia yang lain,
ini lah mungkin yang dimaksud dengan cinta...

tak sabar kumelamarmu,
mengarungi kehidupan denganmu...

sungguh kubayangkan,
duduk di beranda berdua denganmu,
satu cangkir kopi,
dan satu cangkir teh,
dan sejuta cerita dan kenangan masa lalu...

kunikmati cerita denganmu...
kuikuti dentangan jantungmu...
dan kusabar menunggu ceritamu usai,
dan akan tiba waktumu untuk menungguku selesai...

dan kita akan mendapatkan kebetulan-kebetulan yang lain...
yang muncul secara kebetulan...
dan membuat kita tertawa berdua...


dan lagu-lagu itu pun kembali berdentang,
dan mungkin ku akan menangis menatapmu bercerita,
bahwa kamu menganggap nya adalah lagu kita berdua
kan ku putar lagu itu jikalau mengingatmu...

tapi kamu ada disana.. jauh....
dan kamu punya dunia lain,
sama lainnya dengan dunia saya...

dan cerita duduk duduk di beranda itu,
entah akan ada atau tidak...
dan hujan rintik itu...
entah akan ada atau tidak...

entah kapan kita akan lalui bersama (lagi)...

dan lagu itu...
akan tetap kuputar,
untuk mengingatmu,
dan mengenangmu...

dan kamu akan selalu ada di dekatku,
karena yang kurasa hanya absurd....

kuingin merasakan hangat nya tubuhmu,
tanpa perasaan apapun...

dan kamu membuatku sedih...
dan keadaan membuatku sedih...

dan, ku hanya bisa bernyanyi....


I guess you heard, I guess you know
In time I'd have told you, but I guess I'm too slow.
And it's overly romantic but I know that it's real
I hope you don't you mind if I say what I feel.
It's like I'm in somebody else's dream,
This could not be happening to me.

But you were there, and you were everything I'd never seen.
You woke me up from this long and endless sleep.
I was alone.
I opened my eyes and you were there.
Don't be alarmed, no don't be concerned.
I don't want to change things
leave them just as they were.
I mean nothing's really different
It's me who feel strange.
I'm always lost for words when someone mentions your name.
I know I'll get over this for sure
I'm not the type who dreams there could be more.

But you were there, and you were everything I'd never seen.
You woke me up from this long and endless sleep.
I was alone.
I opened my eyes and you were there.
Can I take your smile home with me,
or the magic in your hair?
The rain has stopped, the storm has passed
Look at all the colors now the sun's here at last.
I supposed that you'll be leaving but I want you to know
Part of you stays with me even after you go.
Like an actor playing someone else's scene
This could not be happening to me.
But you were there, and you were everything I'd never seen.
You woke me up from this long and empty sleep.
I was alone.
I opened my eyes and no, I'm not alone, I'm not alone.
I opened my eyes and you were there.

kuingin memelukmu malam ini...
beltstraat 1-12, 12:33 AM

Monday, November 22, 2004

Here and There

I was here, and you were there,
guessed we never could agree:

I guess you heard,
I guess you know,
In time I'd have told you, but I guess I'm too slow.
And it's overly romantic but I know that it's real
I hope you don't you mind if I say what I feel.
It's like I'm in somebody else's dream,
This could not be happening to me.

But you were there, and you were everything I'd never seen.
You woke me up from this long and endless sleep.
I was alone.
I opened my eyes and you were there.

Don't be alarmed, no don't be concerned.
I don't want to change things
leave them just as they were.

I am here alone, I open my eyes and you are there.

Beltstraat 1-12, 06.00 AM

suara dari suatu sudut

disebuah sudut ruangan,
aku menikmati dentangan musik...
jari-jari ku sudah bermain...
Layar kecil didepan tidak menjadi fokus penglihatan...

...namun bayangan-bayangan beberapa orang,
seorang gadis kecil kokoh pendaki gunung,
seorang peri ketawa
seorang penyair
seorang tua yang mungkin kecewa
dan beberapa orang tersenyum

...namun bayangan-bayangan masa depan yang masih kabur
dunia ini kulanjutkan,
atau memulai lagi dengan dunia lama...

lalu, kurasakan bahwa detakan itu masih ada disini,
hangat pembicaraan masih ada di telinga,
persis sama dengan silence yang dulu kita alami,
sejuta kata untuk diungkapkan,
berakhir dalam satu aksi: diam!

pernah, kulalui jalan disana,
air air telah membeku menjadi es, diatas jalan...
bukan salju,
namun kurasakan salju itu menerpa wajah,
dan kehangatan bersamamu bagaikan sebuah matahari panas di tengah malam...

dan kini,
aku sendiri disudut ruangan ini,
menerawang jauh ke belakang,
dan kedepan sana, jauh.........

sudut belstraat 1-12, 22 november 2004, 05.27 AM

International Social Evening

Saturday, 20 November 2004 was probably the shortest journey around the world: visiting 16 countries in three and a half hours.
It was not a real visit, yet just a theme of one social evening named International Social Evening. It is an annual ITC event showing cultures, traditions or any other things that reflect each country where ITC students come from. Even before coming to ITC, as I read in ITC's brochure, I had been acquinted with the story behind it. It was the different costumes worn on the day that amazed me. However, after the last year performance and event, I knew that it is not just a show of costumes from all countries: but what you have in your countries.
Last year, I and ITC students performed very well and was very welcomed by the audiences. It was an experience as the first time dancing on the stage.

This year, I am chosen as deputy of Continent of Asia to present the description of each country as a presenter. I was with Marcella Galindo (Panama), Harssema Solomon (Ethiopia) and Anthony Lamba (Kenya). I was wearing a green Javanese costume with Batik (Thanks Tara's family for this, and Ari, my best friend who helped me wearing the complicated costumes)
As announcers, we have a rule that one can not read text from his/her own country and read when the light for the podium is turned on, and wait some minutes until the audiences are quiet.
There were 16 countries performing this year, a half number than the previous year (32 performances). Each announcer then had four countries' texts to read. These are the countries that performed:

1. Kenya
2. The Netherlands
3. Sri Lanka
4. Colombia
5. Bhutan
6. Uganda
7. Philippines
8. Ethiopia
9. Indonesia
10. Ghana
11. PR China
12. Tanzania
13. Nepal
14. Bolivia
15. Vietnam
16. South Africa Development Countries

I announced Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, PR China and Vietnam. The texts were made from each country's leader and we announcers are editing and adding some texts. Though only some sentences, it gives us view how the life in the country there... far there...

I am sharing the texts in here.


Rive, harvested from paddy fields is the major food source in Sri Lanka. Rice cultivation methods such as field cleansing, sowing, transplanting, weedeing, harvesting and tidying are bestowed from historical times. Harvesting of paddy becomes a major event in the village, taking the form of a celebration. The village community gathers as a whole to help each other in the harvesting, which is a major operation in the cultivation process. A good harvest is always welcomed by the villagers who will then be assured of the staple food till the nest harvest. Then it becomes a cause for celebration.

To day the Sri Langkan group is performing the rhytm of a popular song which depits the jubilation process of post harvesting celebrations. The song explains the feelings of the delighted community, who is rewarded with a bumper harvest. Their jovial thoughts and expectations are transformed to physicial expressions in the form of singing and dancing


Ethiopia is a land of plenty with a long and noble history giving rise to ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity. It has more than 80 unique rich ethnic, cultural and linguistic groups each with its own language, culture, custom and tradition.
THe spectacular Blue Nile Falls, the Great Rift Valley, the Danakil Depression, THe Simien National Park in the northern mountains and the Bale mountainous National Park, which have its own unique flora and fauna are unbelievable natural sceneries.

Ethiopia is a country of numerous interesting and wonderful tourist attractions. The uncommon combination of historical, cultural and natural attractions that mark Ethiopia as a unique tourist destination in Africa is an exciting and unexpected surprise for many tourist. One should see these things for himself if he has to appreciate them. So take a move and visit Ethiopia. You will receive the warmnth of hospitable people there.


Located on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, China has a land area of about 9.6 million sq km. From north to south, the territory of China measures some 5,500 km. From west to east, the nation extends about 5,200 km. China has land borders 22,800 km long with 15 contigous countries.
China has a recorded history of more than 5,000 years.

Chinese people have created a glorious and brilliant culture. As is known to all, China is the earliest country that invented compass, papermaking, printing and gun powder. The great wall is a gigantic structure on earth visible from space, has been standing for over 2,000 years.

there are altogether 56 minorities in China, among which 55 are officially recognized ethnic minorities except Han. The 53 ethnic groups use the spoken languages of their own; 23 ethnic minorities have their own written languages and their own cultures.

The dancing is about the traditional life of an inner Mongolian girl and her dreams of the brilliant life in the future.


Welcome to Vietnam's performance

The martial art namely Vovinam has been founded since 1930 by Vietnam's people. This art expresses the Vietnam's culture, martialism of Vietnam's people and the flexible combinations between tradition and model. Over 70 years of development, Vovinam has been becoming popular in Vietnam and some other countries. Vietnam's people, we pride on that.

Vietnamese students are going to present two forms of Vovinam's programme. One is for beginning, called Beginning Form, very basic actions of martial art. The second is for pre-intermediate level, called Dragon Tiger Form.

Today the 20th November is also the Viatnamese's teacher day. On this reason all the Vietnam's students here would like to send their best wishes to ITC's teachers, Vietnam's teachers in their country and all of you.

It was such an experience as it was going to be the first time being an anouncer. I believe that there are many more students in the building having good voice, but I do not believe if they have the sense of showing and sharing cultures!

The event itself is really great. It brings you to another world... and I dont know when again I can see the event, or such event like that...

Really, that was something to tell to my children.....

Beltstraat 1-12, November 22, 2004, 05.12 AM.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Early snow


Barusan saja, saya dikasi tahu sama soulmate bahwa besok akan ada hujan salju kecil di negeri ini....
Barusan juga, dia bilang bahwa dia telah men-charge battery kamera Nikonnya buat mengabadikan foto salju kecil itu.
Saya tidak percaya....

Barusan saja, alarm saya bunyi, ternyata alarm tahun lalu untuk mengirim sms buat ujian meja adik bungsu saya...
dan karena alarm itu lah, sehingga saya bisa tahu bahwa di luar itu tidak biasa di malam ini.
kulihat keluar jendela, oh my God, it's snow outside....

yang kuingat, lagunya Venessa Williams and Bobby Caldwell...
it is cold outside.

Dibawah lampu jalan Beltstraat, kulihat es es kecil itu ditiup angin...
pola nya bagus... teratur... kadang besar kadang kecil.
dan tanpa menyentuh nya pun, saya tahu bahwa es nya bercampur dengan air...

ah, sungguh nikmat sekali duduk di meja ini,
banyak kertas tertempel di depan....
dan menengok sebelah kiri... wow... salju dibawah lampu...

tapi terlalu cepat...
saya masih ingin menikmati hujan rintik-rintik Belanda....

semuanya ada masanya... dan biarkan kamu turun di bulan desember nanti, salju!

I really can't stay
(but baby it's cold outside)
I've got to away
(but baby it's cold outside)
This evening has been
(been hoping that you'd drop in)
So very nice
(i'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

baby it's cold outside,
baby it's snow outside

Beltstraat 1-12, on my brown table with snow outside.....
(Don;t replace the moment of the rain, just because I love you both!)

the institute....

I remember passing one street in my home town Makassar. It was twelve years ago and I was so small still, still could not understand what is written in the billboard.
I saw it: Institute for Social Science.
It was just it but I still remember the color of the campus, old campus. Also, the first impression I got: who is going to study here?

Then, in the high school, I remember willing to be in the Cultural Programme in the second grade. It was so a sure for me, tend to be a must! Why? As I planned not to think too much on Physics, Math, Chemistry. All I thought about was about languages,cultures and having much free time, no need to join extra classes after the real class. And my plan after high school graduation was mastering three languages at once: English, Germany and France!. How? by having free time from school, I could take courses. However, there were only two students interested in the programme (me and my 1st best friend who introduced me to the world), so officially, it was cancelled. *How are you doing my friend?*
there I was, joining Physics programme.

Marine Science played very well in my mind after the high school. It would be nice to see the world under there, and to "clean" the bottles, plastics and garbages in the world under there, very simple things. But Geology welcomed me and since then, I showered my campus life with rocks and stones. I was so surprised to be able to communicate with rocks. I even could call their names perfectly. So, it was not a monolog world, very colorful indeed and cheering. I was trained to do things in short time and one of the most valueable things was to learn how to deal with other world. I jumped from one island to another island in Indonesia because of Geology: ranging from high mountain to the lower part of coastal plain.... I am so close to God and nature. Since then as well, I am crazy about conservation. Then, I decided to be a "Malin Kundang", goodbye Geology and welcomed myself to the world of conservation, rare species and things like those.
Exploring the city brought me back to one street I passed when I was in the junior high school. It was still there: Institute for Social Science. then, i thought: why not be a part of it? having a small card with the head of Institute for Social Science: student!
But, my jumping from one island to another island in Indonesia made it imposible to be part of it. It was gone and I got my bachelor of geology. It was forgotten, though was still applied in the real life.

The long dream came at the hand, then I came to Enschede to be in ITC. One institute offering subjects that I avoided when I was at school: I wanted to be a field worker: conserving the natures, monitoring not from a monitor, but interacting with the "rare species" and sleeping with their tracks. The life in here is amost exactly the same as the life I had before in campus. It is so alive and full of great people, figure of bestfriends are found here as well. So once again, social thing is applied.

So, here I am waving with the smile and the less time allocated for my modeling.
I remember the institute on that street. I may reach it later... if my life is still full of spirit like this: to be greedy to be said roughly.
Indeed, I have been doing much social thing but the concept itself, needs sharpening. like the saying that needs sharpening. Too weak to say NO.

It is a life that is alive, and I get the power of life that is alive.

Beltstraat 1-12, a social apartement with small rain outside.
(I should drink wine at this moment)


So, integration of modeling, social thing and coastal zone, what would that be?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

SMS LEBARAN dan sms lebaran of the year

Meskipun sudah lewat beberapa hari, sms-sms idul fitri tetap aja berdatangan.
satu hal yang selalu membuat saya tertawa dengan sms-sms lebaran itu: selalu ada sms yang dikirim oleh dua orang yang berbeda (bahkan lebih dari dua orang) yang isinya (persis) sama.
yang lain, secara umum isinya sama... kata-kata nya bagus.... ada yang pake bahasa inggris, bahasa perancis, bahasa indonesia, bahasa arab, dan semuanya dikemas dalam kata-kata yang enak dibaca dan bisa membawa suasana hati menjadi enak, dan merasakan suasana idul fitri.

tapi, tetap saja ada yang menurutku kuno... Kalo di komputer istilahnya kopi paste, begitu lah adanya.. Mungkin kalo di layar henfon, istilahnya forward incoming messages, edit dan send ke teman-teman baru...

sejak puasa, sms-sms itu beruntun datangnya... ada (dan bahkan banyak) yang kata-katanya umum banget (dalam artian banyak di pake orang), seperti: Sucikan hati, Seputih kapas, dan lain lain...
seharusnya saya mengkoleksi dan memposting semua sms-sms hari raya itu....

setelah memilih milih dan tertawa-tertawa membaca sms-sms yang masuk, saya akhirnya "jatuh cinta" dengan sms yang DUA ini, yang saya anggap sebagai sms lebaran of the year: tidak ada kata-kata seputih kapas dan sucikan hati.



1 SYAWAL 1425 H

(sender: ulze, +628124264618, Sent: 14:57:49, 15-11-2004)



(sender: Rini, +62811428972, Sent: 19:30:32, 14-11-2004)

Untuk semua sms-sms, kurangkum menjadi satu, dengan kata-kata sendiri:
Selamat lebaran, selamat hari raya iedul fitri, maafkan segala kesalahan kata dan perbuatan.....
sederhana sekali.... tapi semua sms-sms itu, bagaimana pun bunyinya, mengarah ke satu hal: permohonan maaf untuk kembali menjadi suci di hari yang fitri...

Suasana lebaran di 7511 JZ Enschede, angin-angin menimbulkan suara mencekam....


obrolan hati?
merangkai jalan?

apa bedanya lipatan ini dengan box disana?

apa bedanya membawa pikiran disini dan disana?


emangnya lapangan bola?

jauh dari dia?
jauh dari hari?
jauh dari penat?

disini bisa lebih penat dari sana!

Senyum menjawab semuanya...

merangkai-rangkai mimpi mimpi lama,
terbuat lah

Beltstraat 1-12,
koneksi pertama 16 November 2004.


Selama lebih dari 20 tahun, betapa saya di kotak-kotaki oleh istilah lebaran, atau idul fitri. Mmmm.... dulu, waktu kecil, identik dengan baju baru, bangun subuh-subuh, mandi, minum teh + roti made by mama, ambil jatah duit buat di celengan mesjid (selalunya uang baru... saya ingat, waktu Bapak saya masih ada (ditahun lapan puluhan), jumlahnya 300 Rupiah, uangnya baru, dan sayang buat di sumbangin, hihihi).
Abis sholat, sungkeman dengan bapak ibu, sodara-sodara dan ke tetangga-tetangga (betapa di Indonesia hidup bertetangga masih sangat melekat!). Lalu, menunggu keluarga lain datang ke rumah.... lalu apa lagi? nonton TV, nonton siaran langsung sholat iedul fitri dari Mekkah...
Makan, lalu tidur... malamnya sampe dua hari berikutnya, rumah hanya untuk tidur!!!!

saya ingat dulu saya pernah menyanyi-nyanyi di malam hari di rumah saya:

kapan bisa ku atur sendiri?
kapan mungkin ku duduk sendiri?
kapan mungkin bisa menyambut lain?

Dua puluh tahun lebih kurayakan hari besar dengan keluarga di rumah... Nikmat.... tapi esensinya mungkin tidak terlalu meng-essense. yah, tradisi tradisi yang seperti diatas, terus berkembang dengan sendirinya. Juga pada saat kuliah dan telah bisa mengatur diri sendiri (tapi belum bisa menyambut lain!).

Tahun lalu, kuingat berjalan dengan di tengah kedinginan... menangis dalam hati: bukan karena berlebaran dengan "cuman" teman-teman dan tidak dengan keluarga, tapi karena makna lebaran itu terasa melekat di hati, dan menjalar jalar di seluruh pembuluh darah... dan betapa kunikmati tatapan kosong ke depan tanah kosong di sebelah kiri jalan... terasa melambai lambai kan tangan ke seluruh penghuni rumah: jauh, namun kurasakan kehadiran lebaran di hati ku...
Ku ingat lebaran terakhir bersama bapak ku, ku lihat dia mengangis membaca takbir di panggung, muungkin sadar bahwa tahun depan dia akan meninggalkan semuanya... Masih kuingat pula susunan tali tali rapiah pembatas shaf di atas rumput yang basah karena embun pagi...

Tahun lalu, betapa kasihan datang ke saya. jauh dari keluarga, dan jauh dari kebiasaan yang rutin. Padahal, jauh itu lah yang membuat saya merasa dekat dengan kata lebaran. Bersama teman-teman, saya menemukan arti lebaran itu. tapi, tetap saja, masih mencari cari opor di waktu setelah sholat ied... Kulihat budaya middle east berlebaran... betapa merasakan hidup di tengah keluarga.

Lebaran kali ini, makna lebaran sudah ada sejak malamnya. Serasa mendengarkan takbir di jalan-jalan... padahal yang ada hanya hembusan angin yang menusuk tulang... jauh sekali disana... kudengar sayup-sayup takbir... namun semuanya terbawa dalam hati...

Lebaran kali ini.... membawa saya berfikir untuk makna lebaran di tahun-tahun kedepan.. mungkin perlu kesempurnaan hidup versi orang biasa... ah, membuat saya tersenyum-senyum sedih, dan bingung...

saya terlalu egois untuk itu... atau tidak pernah merasa membutuhkan kesempurnaan untuk hal yang satu itu... hahaha...
Atau mungkin membutuhkan siraman baru lagi...
(teman baik saya itu tertawa terbahak-bahak mendengarkan pertanyaan tentang "clue" untuk itu!)

Selamat lebaran buat diri ku... kamu butuh siraman untuk "balancing".

1 Syawal 1425 H, Pikiran lebaran yang berujung di hari Selasa, 16 November 2004.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

faith vs ego

Dear beloved,

You turned left
I turned right
I knew you left
But, Am i right?
To anticipate your arrival at site?

You bid good-bye
quiet and sad
I feigned pleasure
Though I was mad
Am I right?
To expect your call at leisure?

You wanted to talk
and clear the cloud
But I took a walk
My head high and proud
Am i right?
To wait for my door to knock?

You flew away then
I cared less
I sob and mourn now
Utterly ego-less
Am I right?
To expect you, to hear me confess?

(taken from a www, i need to be egoistic!... or I guess I need to have an MSc in social science and egoistic science!. thanks for google)

cluster 5056, an egoistic mind on this "social" table

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

one more standing

What to say, it is gone... Indeed, what we wrote in the motivation statement is not that easy. To say that it would be successfully done, is not like membalikkan telapak tangan (Inggrisnya apa sih???)...

Kejadian itu masih membekas.. Scary standing there. Kenapa sih mesti menjadi orang pintar lagi? atau orang dengan gelar Master of Science? padahal sudah berjuta-juta orang dengan nama belakang MSc...
Atau, jangan-jangan ini sudah menjadi satu paket dengan tiupan roh pas dilahirkan: bahwa nanti kalian mesti memiliki tambahan nama disaat usia telah 24!
Ih, ngeri kali standard hidup seperti itu.

Gimana tahun-tahun kedepan yah? atau mungkin gelar MSc, DEA atau PhD itu bagaikan gelar "Andi" di suku bugis atau "Ince" di Aceh, atau "LaOde" di Sulawesi Tenggara sana. bahwa once your father has it, the next generation will have name with the same title... Atau mungkin bakal seperti "Ahmad", "Adi", dan nama-nama umum lainnya (maaf), yang mana setiap orang tua bakal bebas memberi nama ke pada anaknya....
dari pada anaknya yang mesti mencari tambahan MSc DEA atau Phd, mending sekalian aja di tulis di akte kelahiran.... Akankah dunia bergulir seperti itu?

yah, pertanyaan itu masih saja menggantung: kenapa mesti berburu gelar MSc? buat apa sih? buat kebanggaan? "Ini loh, alumni luar negeri". Kalau dalam negeri kan, gelar nya Msi.... Buat apa???
buat kepuasan diri?
sekali lagi, buat kebanggaan diri?
atau buat semakin menambah sombong diri kita?

ah, pertanyaan tolol...

ya Tuhan, saya berburu hal yang kutanyakan itu.. dan satu kali lagi berdiri di depan orang orang pintar dan "bergelar" itu...
(tapi there are a lot to be done start from now on...)

Kenapa tidak ada program MSc in Travelling? saya akan kuliah seumur hidup untuk itu. eh ga ding, sampe 60-an.. dan setelah itu, menikmati hidup di rumah kayu dekat sungai... banyak burung (tidak dalam kandang), dan dengan istri yang setia... anak-anak dan cucu cucu semuanya di luar negeri, sekolah, dan mungkin mengejar nama nama tambahan itu, jika system pemberian nama di akte kelahiran yang saya tulis tadi tidak eksis sama sekali.

Klaster 3-220, 10:42 AM, 20 menit setelah Mid Term presentation (I made it!)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Sepercik kebahagiaan di negeri Holland

menjunjung tinggi kemanusiaan dan kemanjaan terhadap SOUL sendiri, saya bisa menghabiskan waktu untuk mengekspresikan betapa friendship bisa membuat soul menjadi merinding!, dan mengacuhkan pikiran dan mematikan waktu untuk membuat presentasi buat Mid term Presentation dan Digital Elevation Model (Dua hari lagi, I seem to be the only one who put the least care of all, others in the cluster are facing the computer as if were facing a list showing date of their death, ALMOST NO BLINKING, and that is incredible!). Kubungkukkan badan dua kali pertanda salut...

Menangis buat mengenang bukan sesuatu yang buruk menurutku.... Jendela ku, jika dia bisa berkata-kata, maka blog nya mungkin sudah puluhan atau ratusan. Jika dia bisa membuat website, maka website nya mungkin penuh dengan cerita cerita tentang bagaimana menghadapi hidup yang penuh dengan mimpi dan bagaimana memutar mutar hidup penuh kenangan di masa lalu... Hilangkan kata romance dalam posting ini. Totally out of it!

Menangis buat teman, ah berjuta juta kali kulakukan. Susahnya, bagaimana menghapus tangisan itu dan mengolahnya menjadi suatu untaian kata membentuk cerita yang bermaknakan SOUL. Sedihnya lagi: coba lah settle di suatu tempat.... mau atau tidak mau, kepribadian dan SOUL membuat kita menemukan SOUL lain di tempat baru itu: newly settled place... membuat kita ketawa, benci atau menangis di dalamnya.... dan sadar bahwa tangisan dan kenangan lama akan muncul di akhir skenario.... lalu kembali ke suatu tempat baru to settle dan memulai dengan cerita yang sama. Penokohan saja lah yang berbeda, tema nya tetap sama: kecengengan meninggalkan dunia lama....

Kesamaan soul, saya percaya akan hal itu. pagi ini, 01 November 2004, kuterima satu email bertema soul dari teman baik. (betapa susahnya menyebut kata teman baik... Kadang kata itu di obral murah dengan mengatakan nya dengan mudah....)
Yakinlah, semuanya akan berjalan sama... kemanapun anda melangkah, kesitu lah cerita SOUL itu kan mengikuti... karena body mu dipenuhi dengan soul soul tipe itu....

Rasanya waktu berjalan dengan sangat cepat, tapi satu hal yang pasti, lagu ini nggak pernah hilang dari pikiran gue, hari gue dan hidup gue. Lagu ini diciptain sama sekumpulan orang ‘ancur’ in terms of they’re being themselves in front of each other. Ke’ancur’an itu nggak membuat mereka menjadi dijauhi, namun justru mereka menarik perhatian banyak orang yang memang ‘tersentuh’ oleh diri mereka yang selalu memancarkan ‘energi positif’ pada pendengar mereka.

Satu lagu ini ngebuat gue kangen sama Indonesia. what I want to tell you about adalah tentang gimana gue seneng di Holland bukan karena apa yang terjadi dalam hidup gue, my achievements or whatever. Tapi, apa yang gue belajar dari kalian, dan apa yang gue dapet dari kalian, temen-temen seperjuangan gue di PPI Enschede

Ketika kesepian menyerang diriku,
Gak enak badan resah nggak menentu
Kutahu satu cara sembuhkan diriku
Ingat teman-temanku …

Kadang gue bertanya-tanya, kenapa setiap orang yang bisa jadi temen gue selalu adalah orang yang nggak pernah gue sangka-sangka ? Kita sering banget cela-celaan, kita punya kelemahan dan kekuatan sendiri. Kadang-kadang kita malah mencela kelemahan satu sama lain, tapi itu nggak pernah mengubah hubungan kita sama lain, sama banget sama yang di lagu ini.

(ditulis di Beatrixstraat 74, Saturday, October 30, 2004)

menjadi budak untuk pikiran sendiri, sangat jarang orang bisa melakukannya...
saya senang sama orang-orang seperti itu (anda).

Jangan sedih atau puas dulu, ini kejadian yang berulang-ulang akan terjadi... dalam bahasa Inggris, tenses nya bukan hanya past tense tapi juga present tense ... (Oh God, I remember how I grew, how I managed the classes very well: I miss the little friends with simple minds: how to get high marks)

Buat teman yang menjadi inspirasi posting ini... E-mail mu membuat saya menghabiskan waktu beberapa jam untuk memikirkan tentang putaran hidup enam bulan kedepan...

I remember the album of Anita Baker: Mind, Body and Soul.
then this is for my mind, body and soul....

Cluster 5.056 (oh I love my work station), monday 01 November 2004, 10:42 AM)