Monday, January 17, 2005

V a l u e

Value does not see whether the stuffs are new or second hand. Values considers from whom the stuff is given or what memories sticked to the value. The two same hats can have different meanings and values. When the hat is given by one you love, it is more valuable than the hat you buy yourself.

When a friend of mine said that one should feel sorry to give his second hand thing to someone, I was protesting. It is "its value" that matters, not the "VALUES".

Workstation, Hengelosestraat 99, 5-5056
a ticket to Rotterdam FOUND, 05:02 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ria wageningen:
agree, rela. But dont you need to explain first how the stuff you give is so valuable (or is it self-explanatory)? Coz if the person doesnt know how valuable it is to you, then she/he wont get the message , 'kan?

8:21 PM


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