Lucky humans, unlucky earth?
How lucky we are. This planet we live on is truly blessed with an amazing diversity of life.
Life, in one form or another, can be found in every environment on earth imaginable. From the poles to the equator, in freezing waters or dry valleys, deep on the ocean floor to miles up in the sky, life has evolved and diversified to adapt to survive just about anything the world throws at it.
Yet, we humans know surprisingly little about the life on planet, Earth. We don't even know how many species we share it with. How immensely sad that we could lose some of that life without even knowing it was there! Some scientists believe that we are living in a time of the largest wave of extinctions for 65 million years, when the dinosaurs disappeared from the world.
Is it worth saving? is it worth living? for me as a lifelong lover of nature (mmm...), these questions needs no answer. But how can we stop the destruction that we wreak in our quest for a more sophisticated and confortable life style for all? How do we balance our needs with the needs of the planet? (i adore this question). Again, those questions need no answer, yet need voice, action, commitment and support. Start from yourself, your friends, your surroundings, and going global speaking large scale actions. When you start from yourself, it is a small project and seems to be neglectable. However, when it is socialized with your friends, surrounding, the friends of your friends, the surrounding of your surrounding, then it becomes a big project, a project that needs no money lobbying in it but realization.
I should have posted it on the world environmental day, couple of days ago.
For me, I make everyday as the world environmental day; no official mark.
in a dark room, 09:58 AM, June 25, 2005
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