Saturday, August 20, 2005


Di usia 7 tahun, 8 tahun, 9 tahun, ulang tahun merupakan hari yang spesial. Kenapa? karena ada kadow bow. Hehehe. Di usia 26 (hah?), tetap menjadi spesial karena merupakan hari introspeksi, hari pengakuan kesalahan, dan hari untuk melihat-lihat. Seperti melihat-lihat diri di awal tahun, lebaran, dan hari hari lainnya. Makasih buat yang sudah mengirim ucapan, lewat YM, offline message, friendster, email, e-card dan sms ke +62813429477xx. Sangat menghargai ke-ingat-an teman-teman, fans, bekas pacar, bekas fans (yang telah menikah!, huh, nge fans nya stengah2), idola (tau kah jika saya mengidolakan kamu?), teman baru, teman lama dan baru ketemu lagi, dan semua lah. Posting ini terinspirasi dari berita halaman pertama di dua koran lokal di dua kota yang berbeda di Indonesia. tentang sms buat bapak presiden.
Banyak email, offline message, online message dan friendster message yang tak sempat di publish semuanya. Yakinlah, kusimpan dalam folder khusus di hati sanubari ku.

Hai.. lihat..
Ada bintang jatuh..
Lets make a wish
Semoga yang dapat sms ini, selalu bahagia. Happy Birthday!
Met ultah man, merdeka!
I pray to God to grant you health, to give you wealth and to guide you in every mile of your journey. “Happy birthday”
Is it your birthday today? I guess so. 18 of august, isnt it? Happy birthday! Kalo salah tanggal, sori mami ces, hehe. Got to sleep now
Slamat ultah ya, semoga sukses dan semakin arif dalam setiap langkah kehidupan. Btw, istri ku Tanya kapan nikahnya dan makan-makannya?
Happy birthday Muhy, I hope you always success. God bless you!
Hepi bday ya :P
Mas Muhy pa kabar? ini xxxx. Masih ingat? mas kapan balik ke enschede? ajakin yah. saya ingat kereta malam ke enschede, masak bareng mas. sukses yah mas, saya tahu mas mau nya banyak. saya bangga lho dengan mas.
Selamat ulang tahun, panjang umur, sukses selalu dalam segala hal utamanya dalam karier
Muhy, Happy birthday to you and may you have many more in the years 2 come. Enjoy conference, God bless.
Pak Muhy, selamat ulang taon nah! Good job, good money, good life n mati masuk sorga. Amien!
Hepi bday ces, smoga dengan bertambahnya umurmu, kamu bias jadi lebih dewasa dalam berbicara dan berpenampilan. Cepat mendapatkan belahan jiwa yang sebenarnya. Selamat yah.
Selamat ulang tahun, semoga selalu dalam lindungan Allah
Dirgahayu ye, n yang diharapkan terkabul. Kamu banyak maunya. Kan?
Hi! Its me xxxxx. I learned from xxxx that its ur bday! Well, its the second time I greeted you for your it dis yr, ha. Wel, I guess now its 4 real! HAPPY BDAY! Wish you ol d best
Happy bday, dimanako sekarang?
Happy birthday to you bro Muhy! All the best 4 next years ahead n wish you every success
Pak Muhy, selamat tambah umur bos! Semoga sukses trus dan jadi ke Africa. Washington juga
Happy birthday bro, semoga apa yang jadi keinginanmu tercapai, semoga bahagia selalu bersama orang-orang tercinta
Amsterdam is beautiful now. It must be great to celebrate your birthday here. I will be your host. Married already? did you read my email? what makes you busy and not reply my email?
Iya birthday man kan sibuk. Nyante aja HY! Gw ngerti kooq
Apa bener ente ultah sekarang? Happy birthday anyway! Hehe..
AAWW. Happy belated birthday yesterday. Maap, baru sadar
Aduh Muhay salupa kalo ko ultah kemarin. Sori ces, selamat ultah na, semoga panjang umur n sukses slalu
Happy birthday
Happy birthday man. I wish you all the best on your day.
To make sure. Met ultah ya? Kmaren udah lwt simpatimu, but mungkin gak masuk. Sukses selalu, selalu sukses
Happy bday muhy, sori tlat oe :( huehe. Bgm mi kbr2mu? Dapatmi kerjaan yang sesuai. xxx doakan yah muhy. Sa pikir hpmu berubah. Kapan lalu sys ms pending terus
Muhy, sori telatki ces. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya, semoga panjang umur dan murah rejeki
Hay Muhy, did you receive my offline message? Happy birthday! Keep rockin', keep being yourself. Wish you success on your journey. I am in Italy now.
Met ultah yah ya, sori banget gw gak bias ikutan, ada kerjaan di fakultas, biasa jadi kuli. Salam buat xxx dan xxx dan xxx kalo ketemu. Xxx udah disana juga kan?
Sory ces kalo saya lupa ultahmu. Meski telat tapi saya tidak pernah bosan untuk bilang semoga apa yang paling kamu inginkan saat ini bisa terwujud tanpa banyak hambatan dengan iringan doaku. Good luck
Selamat ultah pak, sorry telat, kelupaan. Kapan ke jakarta?
Crazy man, happy birthday! Manila is waiting for you to rock in. When are you coming again?

Makasih buat semua wishes. I wish you more than you wished me on my birthday. Having your email, sms as well as messages really reborned me again on my birthday.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Welcoming me

"I am still interested", confidently saying that with Indonesian-American English accent. Some hours ago conversation that is not forgotten neither be remembered: taken for granted, saying thank you while smiling, walking proudly without being seen by nobody.

Being tired of couple of hours standing connecting two different languages in an agricultural-environmentally sound in-service training of one international USAID-funded non-governmental organization made my way of gazing be not-sharp, yet either not shallow. Just felt the shaking bones after the changing of two weather situations: artificial winter weather and natural tropical weather.

The friend's telling me about the way of being connected was a worth and a fruitful telling. While laying, you can monitor the small size capacity increase of the box called "inbox". There! It was not enough to read that in the small monitor of the Sony Ericsson T68 with plastic covering its screen (to mark that that is brand new) hence this P2 computer witnessed the opening of the door (of mine).

Expecting TOR yet receiving LoO. Imagining developing country to set feet on, yet I have to chance the way to set feet in the developed country, the country where I actually never imagined of being there. The confirmation determines all, and I am a creature who can determine, yet sometimes must be determined by the thing called destiny. I am a child of destiny hence I am a destiny child; actually not child, not boy. I am growing up.

This is one comes in one, meaning two comes in two (days).
I believe that fight works when you follow your personal legend.

Can hardly wait to welcoming myself.
Green House, 12 August 2005, 23:02.

TOR is Terms of Reference, LoO is Letter of Offer. working-sound terms, yet I put them into education.