Saturday, November 12, 2005


like the run ten years and one month ago, fighting with the morning darkness and start running carrying materials whose size 2-1/16 mm, in a green backpack which had to be strong by itself, though over capacity in the last days.
there was time to breathe at the mid of the day then started all over again after the lunch, which was not lunch and i dont know what it was. Thinking of how to be at least as strong as the previous day for the next day, in order to survive. Playing and making some scenarios for the next days, to survive with good (strong) result.

I was just doing it again in another way, talking with some people whom people thought more about, or expect to be more about. Everybody was listening to each other, like ten years and one month ago: everybody was running together, helping hand each other.
It was for the preparation for the real fight, like what is happening at this time: warming up for the real fight, with the same type of doable things, with different scale of works, with different geographic coordinates.

04:19 PM in this office
Past and future are interconnecting to each other, and i just cant wait to see and feel (and prove) the interconnectivity.


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