tiara lestari
Surprisingly, I get one Indonesian TV Channel in my apartment: TransTV. Hence, turning the TV on when arriving from daily activities is kind of first thing to do in the room. I was enjoying self-made cheese sandwich last night when Lintas Malam was on TransTV, showing interview with Tiara Lestari, an Indonesian playboy model in Spain (or in Spanish edition of Playboy). She is now returning back to Indonesia to establish career amidst the protest of Playboy magazine all over the country.
'It was because of my mom's being very disappointed and angry (as well as my father) that I decided to return to Indonesia and to continue my career in my own land'. When asked about her opinion about appearing in Playboy (of course with Tabus (Tanpa Busana) or naked) She responded 'I considered it as an art, and I myself only look at the modeling side of the work, which I work for and I have to be professional into'.
She is beautiful, wow body and hopefully wow personality. What is personality?
Anyway, just salute for her returning back to Indonesia. No comment about the playboy thing she was in. However, I wish I could have one copy of that edition.
At the end of the programme, she announced all audiences that she was a blogger too. I checked it just this morning when arriving in the office, while having hot chocolate and pumpkin bread for my breakfast. Well, my fingers were directed by my mind to open google and I added one menu or reading or whatever with my breakfast: enjoying looking (I think gazing) pictures of her in the internet. Wow!! that is all I have to say. Good luck Tiara Lestari, and I love Spain! I should have searched for you when I went there. Do you think you dont mind accommodating me? I dont mind accommodating you in Bangkok.
She is here in blogspot and her personal website will be launched on May 1.
Morning auw, morning Playboy, 09:24 am.
sometimes, i think what it looks like if women could get into men's mind and on the other way around....will there still be those poses and others women's amazing/brave/beautiful/art moves to be captured and showed off?
3:47 PM
estela showed me the page where the picture of tiara lestari is shown...
what a work of art!! i have high regards to women who got guts to
pose for the sake of arts... i could say, her beauty is wonderfully captured by the camera... but, we (me and my office mates) could not agree with one thing that is in the pict... is it really what we think it is? or is it just the magic that camera can do? they commented that it is really her flower... ha ha ha... coz it is horizantal and not vertical... nye nye nye... wehehehe...
seriously, i say that indonesian women have their own beauty...
5:08 PM
Hi Po.......
I was influenced by cecil to write something in your comment box(actually a good idea) hehe!......
I shared your blog “Tiara Lestari” with cecile.I hope u dont mind, hehe!I am amazed with her own natural beauty. Her skin,flawless!body curve,almost perfect!
I can have that kind of figure in dreams,haha!
You too, keep dreamin about Tiara it is free of charge hahaha! And maybe she don’t mind accommodating you in indo as much as you do if she comes in Thailand.hehe!
Thank you for posting the photo(good work of art)and I had a chance to see Tiara and the natural beauty of indonesian women as well. More related topic in your next posting?hehe!
I am pretty sure that the ideas on some of your postings written in indo are your true feelings to some cases. Hmmm..few of them I understand ,some I catched a little bit and others not at all.But generally I know you are one of the best bloggers in town.hehe!
We had a long way for the friendship and I hope we are both happy that we still have each other. Keep being friend.
You already know who I am. Jz take care there po!
1:46 PM
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