where am I?
I walked to the bus station and in front of me was a group of workers heading for office I believe, talking in Japanese language, with some bent while walking. Then I was sure they were japanese.
As they walked very slowly, I walked over them and reached the bus station earlier than them. There, stood a couple of young people (they must be student) talking in English: the woman was with strong Thai English and the man was with Middle East English. They sometimes kissed and hugged each other. Wow, envy you!
After sometime, their friends came and greeted each other. This lady spoke English very well and only after saying that she met her ex boyfriend in her hometown in Singapore, I found out that she was a singaporean. They continued talking, talking and laughing. The couple were still sometime kisssing and hugging. I envy you!
The bus number 29 came as we all rushed to it. Air Conditioned one, the man with Middle East English said. he must be new in here. Surprisingly, the bus was already full with people, not like usual. More surprisingly, there were a lot of Europeans and Americans in the bus. Listening to what they talked about, they were a group of young researchers visiting this country. I could catch some dutch words (like aljstublieft), spanish accent (like ja ja ja), deutche (spelling?) and some french melodies. They did not really talk about science in the bus, but more about Barcelona, Athens, Red Light, Skying in Switzerland, Berlin, Washington and George Bush!
Adding to that, the strong New York accent was there too, plus british English. I wondered why they were here. About twenty minutes only listening to them secretly (why did I have to?), I reached my destination. I was with short and t'shirt plus three bags so quite different from the others who were in the working outfit or a seminar outfit.
Khap khun krap, I said to the driver and jumped from the bus.
It was still about 7.20 am in the morning when I reached the swimming pool. Walking to the pool, I met a woman just finished changing and ready for work. She was talking in her mobile phone in a language I could not catch. I think she spoke Russian, but at the end she said Ciao Ciao, the Italian words, or may be Russian words yet I dont know.
Sawasdee khrap, the guard greeted me and said some more words in Thai, which I believe that he asked me to fill the registration. I am not coming here for the first time, I said inside.
there was an old lady talking in her mobile phone in Spanish while warming up a little bit, next to the chair I chose to put all my stuffs.
Arriving on the 1st floor of the building (my office is on the 2nd), I met some foreigners, but they were not from the English speaking country as I could catch. I was sweat a lot when entering the left wing of the office and there were three Thai ladies there, greeted me and said some words in Thai and English.
I went to my work station and already there was a french guy talking in french. After sometime, my co-mate came and directly hang up the phone and talked in India language, very strong. I went to the pantry for a tea and I heard some tagalog words from my colleague. As I walked back, I met a Sri Lankan greeting me in his accent, met an Australian with a strong spelling of Good Morning young man (am I still young?).
Back sitting on my station, I got a call from a guy with strong middle east accent of English. Then, a colleague with very good English (british) came and asked me about my middle finger which made trouble when we were in Bangladesh last week. I greeted him with a bangladeshi style: adding BAI (spelling) after his name. So, muhybai, instead of muhy, a polite way of calling people.
After some time, I was silent for some moments, I have seen and met many people with different English and language this morning, in just a few hours. I was lost for sometime, forgot that I am in Thailand (sometimes it happens, doesnt it?) and asked myself: where was I actually?
This is a perfect day: woke up in the morning, swam 30 minutes, breakfast, chatted with my newly wed friend, and thought about some things which I should not think. I need a filter in my brain, I guess. But how?
At a corner in the corner of Bangkok, 04 April 2006.
I love life.
hahaha, nikmatin aja.
lo nggak akan pernah tau kapan itu semua diambil dari elo ;)
lagian, hebat juga kuping lo bisa beda-beda'in. gue mah kalo' naik bis, udah pake' ear phone kaleee :)):)) *makanya kecopet :((:((*
8:28 AM
permasalahan dikasi dan diambil, iya.. kagak pernah tahu.
gak hebat kok mey, kupingku rajin di bersihin pake kapas dan alkohol, makanya powernya ngejreng, bisa mendengar dengan bagus. tapi kalo buat yang sains sains alias dipake mendengar kuliah, kok susah masuk yah? hehe..
gw juga biasanya pake earphone, kebetulan aja kelupaan.
9:10 AM
ga nyangka mas muhy pinter nulis..tema yang bisa terkesan ruarrrr biasa! Btw oleh2nya mana donk dr Bangladesh??? Kan deketan minta sama mas Muhy drpd sama suami si Aida (yang tangannya patah kecelakaan itu lho..ga tau namanya :D )
9:59 AM
hehehe. mbak luluk ini bisa aja.
oleh2 dari bangladesh adanya kecelakaan di jari tengan di tangan kanan. infeksi di bangladesh... butuh sentuhan 'ibu'. mau tolong? hehe..
lain kali yah mbak.. gak kepikiran kemaren.....
wah, satu lagi nih kenalan ibu-ibu gaul di internet. hahaha...
11:33 AM
I love this posting!
Thailand is like a melting pot now,some indonesians,some indians,some pinoys,sri lankans,latins, name it!
Its like U.S,there are actually streets named by countries.Indonesian avenue,Indian avenue,Filipino avenue.....
Keep it up,good blogger!
Your blog written in indonesian is good
much better if you can make it in Korean language!so that I can understand more
But if it is okey with you make it in english!
Spanish is the best for me
8:52 PM
you are not laura pausini. who are you? thanks for the comment. good comment, i like it!
4:38 PM
Dont you have any idea of who I am?Laura Pausini,of course Im not.You are intelligent guy I supposed thats why your way of writing had caught me.So,a little idea?
I just like the topic and your way of telling the events in one good post.
What about postings related to nature,lovelife,your lovelife,greatest fear,happiest moments next time?
You may or may not hear comments from laura pausini again.But she keeps tracks in your writings
Till you caught her attention again,Goodluck!
9:47 PM
Not at all (not) laura!.
Laura is a beautiful name for me, and someone named laura would be beautiful for me.
That is why I was kind of 'shock' to see Laura giving comment.
I do write about all the subjects you said to be 'what about?' (is it a request?). I write not because of requests, but because I want, and I always want to do that. Unfortunately, some are in Indonesian.
Thanks for being Laura in my comment box, would be happy to know what name behind Laura you are really standing for..... but how?
9:24 AM
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