Saturday, October 29, 2005

merubah dunia

Aku ingin merubah dunia, begitu yang dikatakannya beberapa tahun yang lalu, ditahun tahun persimpangan untuk memilih, jenis hidup apa yang akan ditempuh. Tidak seperti itu juga, setiap saat adalah persimpangan waktu untuk memilih, kujawab setelah bertahun-tahun keinginan itu pertama kali diucapkannya kepadaku, beberapa detik yang lalu. Kita dalam sebuah percakapan jarak jauh dan jarak pikiran, bahwa baru kumengerti ucapan merubah dunia yang kauucapkan ini. Kamu tentu tidak bermaksud untuk menciptakan teori pergeseran lempeng yang baru, teori big bang yang kemudian akan diterapkan kepada generasi-generasi kedepan yang tentunya bentuk bumi tidak akan seperti sekarang ini, bukan?
Sekarang kumengerti, bahwa merubah itu bukan fisik dunia nya, bukan definisi dan batasan istilah gunung yang akan ditekankan didepannya, demikian juga lembah, cekungan, pohon dan zat-zat lainnya. Bukan jenis udaranya, jenis airnya, bukan juga jenis orang-orang nya yang menggunakan zat-zat itu. Lebih kearah mencuci cara orang-orang berfikir, dengan cara kamu dan kemampuan memutar balikkan pikiran orang dan cara menghargai orang didunia ini. Atau ada maksud lain?
Tapi walaupun tak kusebutkan, saya sekarang mengerti kenapa kamu ingin merubah dunia. Kadang tidak adil, saya tahu dan ketidakadilan itu yang eksis, karena cara berfikir dan berlaku orang yang tak adil, yang akan kamu rubah. Merubah dunia berarti merubah orang? Apa kamu yakin jika merubah orang-orang pengisi dunia ini, dunia ini lalu akan berubah? Hehehe, terlalu jauh berfikirnya.

Buat seorang teman. Sering kumelihatmu online!
29 October 2005, 04:45 A.M

Friday, October 21, 2005


Most of the team members think that it is best to just find a big tree, open the plaited mat (some use plastic raincoat, instead), lay down, open all the logistics and start reading or enjoy the wind (wind surfing, it is different, right?), enjoy the sound of the wind, or enjoy the current of the river transporting materials into its end (when you throw plastic at the upper part of the shed, then it is trouble to the estuary in terms of the contents, hmmmm). Hence, we must not take the rope (strong one) to be hold by all the members to fight with the current. Stop all, and just do not cross. What for? (type of question shows yourself, stupid!)
No, no bring any twig, bring all the waste with you. Lets go!

I lost words seeing all. Dont go, stay safe in the house if that can make you relaxed all time. You are destructive, of all time!

a morning thought, 05:38 AM

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A king of wishful thinking

Though GO WEST is never around on and off, the song sung is still always played and the saying that he said is kept spoken. The tittle made (who made it, dude?) is loved by me. You stimulate me to be a king of whisful thinking, if I do not fool myself.

I dont need to fall at your feet
Just cause you cut me to the bone
And I wont miss the way that you kiss me
We were never carved in stone
If I dont listen to the talk of the town
Maybe I can fool myself
I will get over you I know I will
I will pretend my ship is not sinking
And I will tell myself I am over you
Cause I am the king of wishful thinking

I refuse to give into my blues
That is not how it is gonna be
And I deny the tears in my eyes
I dont want to let you see. No!
Now that you have made a hole in my heart
And now I have got to fool myself

Will spend approximately three hours playing this song today, after lunch time!
bright morning, 05:55 AM.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Google Earth

Want to know more about a specific location? Dive right in -- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

11:26 AM
Not advertising Google.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

years to come

Still so many years to come, not even starting the point one of the track of the so called career, still zero, collecting all modalities, strength, confidence, mental, self-support, independency, but the imagination of what is after the so many years to come is here to night; playing, like butterflies flying around the head of mine, confusing, making smile, giving imagination, trembling, shaking, but only can take a very deep breathe, a very deep one.

It is this story that makes me think about, still far though, so many paths to pass, so many faces so meet.

with the frogs outside, 22:58
will they still exist in the so many years to come?

Friday, October 14, 2005

small to hold

Seeing the beauty of the mountain, feeling of holding it in your arms, breathe long and there is nothing else to do but that.
Having things beautiful is in the mind, dominating, walking, sharing, laughing, and observing the beauty of the pearls from the inside mountain body.
And again, there is nothing to do but breathing, releasing, and breathing, knowing that these hands are too small to hold those things.

If the beauty of the mountain can understand the saying from the mouth of mine, then it is me who is the happiest, knowing that the two taste can mix into one, knowing the two air mixed into one, and we both breathe the air, no bitter, no sad, as they are buried under the happiness, as the power of the beauty of the mountain is there behind us, is there to support and is there to give strength, is there to make us stand and the last moment of the day is spent with smile, and the share to remember the day, and the hope to fill the day, the next days, the days only of ours.

Though the beauty of the mountain is so much close to us, still, can not hug, can not hold.
As the hands are too soft to hold, and the mountain is too hard to conquer,
As I heard the mountain's saying “I am not your world, I am not your planet

When the close becomes closer, and when the distance is only a few meter away, and the sound of the wind blows by the mountain can be very much felt in front of the nose, and can be very much smelled by the body, then the power of the beauty come into the soul: don’t want to let go the beauty.
It is the natural power source of life, that no, please, do not end it, do not want to let time make distance.

The grasses on the foot of the beauty mountain are growing beautifully, the yellow becomes green and the brown becomes green as well, blinded by the feeling deep inside the soul. If this lasts for good, the good things might come for the whole day, the day filled with love with life, love life.

If you mountain can understand the language of mine, no gap of language; then no more separation. You mountain tell me yes, tell me no, then I am not hung, and I will not hung you as well; benefiting both of us.
Though having language barrier, I love your beauty (see, I never walk on the beauty grass growing on your foot) and I love your erupting for other plants’ fertility though endanger the community, endanger me and making me worry of you, worry of all time

I love you mountain!
An old shadow of mine is climbing on you, yet still can not reach the peak!
MU Corner, 22:18

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead,
and dreams of a faraway place.
A traveller on the plane sees the farm house,
and dreams of home (Carl Burns)

is this the permanent rule of a traveller, that every journey leads to a place called home? Yet what is home?

HOME/n (in Oxford learners's Pocket dictionary) is a place where one lives.
Hence, every place is a home!

Go son, find your home!
10:55 PM, everything that seen is just playing,
can not be paused, nor (moreover) be stopped.

Monday, October 10, 2005


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is responsible for promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. The Office serves as the secretariat for the General Assembly's only committee dealing exclusively with international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space: the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS). The Committee has two subcommittees: the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee.

The United Nations Programme on Space Applications (PSA) is implemented by UNOOSA and works to improve the use of space science and technology for the economic and social development of all nations, in particular developing countries. Under the Programme, the Office conducts training courses, workshops, seminars and other activities on applications and capacity building in subjects such as remote sensing, communications, satellite meteorology, search and rescue, basic space science, satellite navigation, and space law.

On behalf of the Secretary-General, UNOOSA maintains the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space and disseminates information contained therein. An index of all functional space objects launched into outer space, including information contained in the Register, is available online.

UNOOSA prepares and distributes reports, studies and publications on various fields of space science and technology applications and international space law. Click here for an index of documents published by UNOOSA.

The Office provided substantive secretariat services for the three United Nations Conferences on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE), which were held in 1968, 1982 and 1999. The Office now supports and participates in the implementation of the recommendations of UNISPACE III.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is located at the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria.

NOL besar

Saya pikir anda benar, atau saya yang benar. sama saja. Membenci atau mencintai, ya itu tadi, hak kamu, hak saya. Hak setiap orang. Mau bilang monyet juga silahkan (asal jangan depan mata-nya si monyet itu). Kamu mau makan sisa-sisa makanan, who cares? (demi melihat banyak bulatan angka NOL di buku tabunganmu!).
Kamu mau cuek dengan tamu kamu, silahkan saja, hak kamu. Dan jangan buat justifikasi atas tanggapan orang-orang terhadap kamu, biarlah dia berceloteh.
Mau ketawa atas ketololan kamu sendiri, silahkan. Who cares.
Iya, jangan dipaksakan. Kalau memang sudah seperti itu adanya, maka sudah seperti itulah adanya. Jangan membuat nol menjadi satu, jangan membuat satu menjadi dua. Kamu mungkin berfikir bahwa bisa menjadi manusia yang sangat berang karena sikap beberapa orang. Hahaha. saya tidak peduli dengan surat selembar itu. mau dirobek, mau dibuang, ah... masa bodoh.
Iya, saya serius. Mungkin kamu butuh budak-budak yang memelas meminta beberapa surat, setiap beberapa bulan sekali. Memang kesing kamu bagus, menarik orang. Mesinmu sudah berkarat, busuk!

Jawabannya? diam, ditemani sejuk angin, tak perlu bertegur sapa.
diatas coklat, 22:38.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Kutemukan lembaran-lembaran yang tak lama itu. Kulihat jejak-jejak kakiku dan mu. Setahun bukan waktu yang lama, dan tidak juga singkat. Kamu tidak tahu bukan, jika saya setengah mati berharap agar setahun itu menjadi dua tahun, tiga tahun dan kita akan kembali ke tahun-tahun yang dulu kita sebut setahun, dua tahun dan tiga tahun itu.
Masih tak terhapus jejak langkah kakimu di jalan kecilku. Kaki kecil mungil mu menjadi seperti suatu jejak hitam yang tak bisa terhapus, meskipun akhirnya kuharus menghilangkannya, dengan cara apapun, karena kamu toh tidak akan merestuinya, dan mengizinkannya.

Bertahun-tahun kutunggu suatu click, dan saya bisa mengatakan click dengan melihat kedua bola matamu, dan melihat kelentikan kedua jari menutup sepertiga dari keseluruhan wajah bulatmu. Manakala sepi, maka ruangan-ruangan itulah yang muncul di hadapan mukaku, ruangan dengan sinaran pagi yang mendamaikan, sambil melihatmu melangkah membasahi muka, dan kemudian menghadap pencipta-Mu. Sudah lama, tak kubuka kotak itu; kamu bahkan tidak tahu jika saya membuat sebuah kotak kertas berisikan bayangan-bayangan dan hantu-hantu kamu, bukan?

Tidak perlu. saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa saya bisa meng-click dalam beberapa menit, menahannya, dan membiarkan aroma aromaterapimu terus masuk kedalam hidungku, dan membuatku tidak bisa bernafas: kamu bisa membunuh aku!

Maafkan aku yah, aku ingin melihat buku-buku yang kau beli dulu, dan membacanya buat aku, dan meresapi aromaterapi yang dulu nya sungguh kubenci (bahkan sampai sekarang).

Ini tentang aromaterapi. kamu tidak sadar bahwa kamu membuatku merubah paradigma tentang aromaterapi. Cukup menyegarkan dan menyembuhkan. aku, harus jujur dengan itu.

Buat aromamu, sebuah terapi!

02 Oktober 2005